Ok, here's the low down.
We're having some "issues" and a situation has arised where we have to move out of the "stupid house that I love" .... "already???" you say! Yes, but it's ok. We are going to do everything in our power to stay in the ward we are in though. It's the greatest ward EVER!!! I know I just started a fire of "whats going on?" but I will fill you all in when we figure everything out and the stresses of Christmas, and work and moving and "situations" are no longer stresses but adventures!
So that is why you haven't seen me post any pics of the house. But, if you all want to still see pics of the house, I'll post some. I just didn't want to be like... "here is my great house!" and then have to post later the "issues" but I have no problem posting if you all still want to see!
I love you all. Thanks for being friends that I can count on and trust and feel safe with. I've had some other "family/friend" issues lately too and I've decided that people that are truely great friends..... or in other words....unofficial family, are you guys!! (Plus a few choice others that I have around here)................ AND YOU ARE ALL TOO FAR AWAY!!!! Or is it, Im too far away. Either way, it sucks! And sometimes is soooo sad.
Made weak by time and fate,
but strong in will;
To seek, to strive, to find, and not to yield.
Side Note:
The fork. or Also known as "A Dingle-hopper" Reminds me of one who not only had amazing hair (that I would pretend I had as I swam in our pool as a young girl) but also for me represents a young woman who loved learning about everything and anything. Who pushed past barriers and boundaries to find her place in this world. In this industry education is key and you are always always learning. Everyday! And with that requires perseverance to reach goals. The industry of beauty is all about testing, pushing and surpassing barriers and boundaries. This industry is truly SWEET!!!!
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Thursday, November 8, 2007

Here we are getting ready to go "Trick or Treating" Honestly, I am over the whole asking for candy form neighbors. You know, we teach our kids....."Don't ever take candy from a stranger!!" And here we are once a year walking them up to strangers and having our kids ask for candy from them!!! Does that make any sense??? It doesn't to me. But oh well, we sure do love dressing up!!!!
Ahhhhh. It's the Drool Monster!!
I never found a costume for Brock that I loved so I just put him in the stoller for his 1st trick or treating.
About 20 minutes before we got home, I gave him a tootsie roll sucker and as you can see, he really enjoyed eating it.

His shirt was SOAKED with sticky drool and he was so content and proud of the reaction he got out of me, he had no problem giving me a big, toothy grin!
1st Hair cut
Before the hair cut.
Ok so, with little Dax getting his 1st hair cut at 3 months old, I thought, "Hey, for Brock's 1st birthday, I'll give him a hair cut too." But did he really need it! NO!!!! As you can see.

After the hair cut.
What an amazing diffrence!! Hahahha
The fuzzy hair that was no longer on his head. It seriously felt like duck fuzz.

And check out his calicks?or is it cowlicks??? I have no clue but seriously when his hair his just the right length, he gets the Alfalfa thing going on. He also has one just in the front of his hair line on his forhead. Totally funny.

The fuzzy hair that was no longer on his head. It seriously felt like duck fuzz.

And check out his calicks?or is it cowlicks??? I have no clue but seriously when his hair his just the right length, he gets the Alfalfa thing going on. He also has one just in the front of his hair line on his forhead. Totally funny.
Saturday, October 27, 2007
A not so quick, quicky.
Ok I've typed "quicky" like 4 times and it's starting too look and sound like a made up word. I must be tired!!!!
The news is that there really isn't any. Life has been crazy but uneventful if that makes any sence at all.
Ok, there is news, Brock is totally walking, well practically running. It's hilarious and he thinks he's such a big shot. I love it!
We have Stake confrence tomarrow and Branden is using it as his "one free Sunday to go to a sports bar with brothers, nephews and friends, drink all the Dr. Pepper and watch all the football he can handle" day. ( His comment was, "....I figured this would be the best Sunday to us it because I don't have to worry about finding a sub for my class or anything" ) Makes sense I guess. We made a deal a few years ago that during football season he would get one "free ditch church day" (oh, how lovely that sounds) and I would get to not be made as a hornet on crack when he ditched. (unlike a few other times before this deal when he would decide the day of while I was trying to get our family ready for church. I didn't ever handle the news well.) Anyways, I will be not crazy enough or brave enough to attempt to sit in an extra long meeting with 3 crazy boys. I will be sleeping in, throwing dinner in the crockpot, folding laundry and putting some cute new pics up on my blog all the while playing my favorite church cds as soothing background noise. I really need that great stuff that Michelle and Eddie give Sammy. Then I could attempt with confidence, or better yet, just have Michelle and Eddie there. Their like magic with my boys. I still have yet to see them sit so still at anytime besides when their in an exasted, sleeping coma. So, the short of the long........ There will be more pics very, very soon. And as Michelles request, some pics of the new house. Love you guys!
Thursday, October 4, 2007
A year of Brock

October 10,2007.

"Awe crap!" Was my thought. I wasn't ready to decide and I wanted to look at him and be with him a bit. But, my husband insisted. So we started to go through the names I loved and he didn't. Vetoed again of course! Then Branden said that we should each pic our favorite names (minus the ones he vetoed of course) and that's what it'll be. Oh don't feel to bad for me. I vetoed a few names of my own that Branden loved too.

After a week of being at home with him, I wasn't so sure. And I told Branden I wanted to change his name. "To what" he asked. "I Don't KNOW!" was my reply.
But I dare say his name fits him, and Branden was right.
Shhhhh. Don't tell him I said so. Although, when I call his name over and over to quickly..... I sound like a giant chicken..... "BROCK! brockbrockbrockbrock!" I can't help but laugh when it happens.
And that's just what Brock does.. He makes me laugh and smile every day!
And that's just what Brock does.. He makes me laugh and smile every day!

His nickname is "Lion" because that's what he sounded like when he would get upset.... a roaring lion, and then when he would eat..... a lion that was famished! So funny to hear.
When he 1st tried to crawl he would get up on all 4's like a big stinker bug. He loves getting into the cabinets under my bathroom sink and under the kitchen sink. He loves Branden bouncing him to sleep with "Kelly Clarkson" singing to him.
He loves to head butt, but not kiss's, unless his Aunt Mariesa is giving him something messy and sugary to eat. Sugar for sugar.
I am so excited to watch him grow every day. I can't wait till he's walking and talking! I will be sure to put some pics up next week of his birthday. He will be getting his 1st hair cut and you all definitely need to see an updated pic. He is so cute with his 4 little teeth!
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Another........ How???
Do any of you know how to change the background to your blog without actually changing your whole set up? I just don't want it to be white. Hmmmm.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
I found it!!!
I have changed my title and will be sticking with this one! I have a plan! Although very slow in developing, it is moving forward (about as fast as a peanut butter being pumped through a straw!) But moving non the less. I am desperately wanting to have my own custom bead bracelets website. Were the customer can shop through pics of beads and accessories and even arrange them into a pattern they love and Voila! fabulous custom bracelet! So, one of my things on my "To D0" check list was to come up with a name for my dream company. Sugar Jane it is! It took me 2 years to think this one up. It had to be just right and when Amber was helping me brain storm I said to her " The name is simple, and so me, and it's probably right under my nose but I haven't figured it out yet".
So whats behind the name??? Well, I am! Sugar is what my Dad used to call me when I was little ( a nickname that I loved) and sometimes he does now....but rarely, plus, sugar is great! Who doesn't love sugar???? Jane is my middle name (which I inherited from my Grammie Bates, whom I love so much and miss terribly!) so there it is. Plus I do love the way it sounds. Also, you know in the movie "How to loose a guy in 10 days" and the add phrase for the Winston Diamond Company is "frost yourself"... Well, mine is, "sugar yourself" or something along those lines.
My ultimate goal with this is to be able to have charity bead bracelets (with customizing as an option). And ones that people see and go "ohhhh, I want one of those!" And be able to set it up in such a way that the percentage of proceeds is a lot more than "$1 of this purchase goes too......." I want to be able to make a difference and do something good for others.
So whats behind the name??? Well, I am! Sugar is what my Dad used to call me when I was little ( a nickname that I loved) and sometimes he does now....but rarely, plus, sugar is great! Who doesn't love sugar???? Jane is my middle name (which I inherited from my Grammie Bates, whom I love so much and miss terribly!) so there it is. Plus I do love the way it sounds. Also, you know in the movie "How to loose a guy in 10 days" and the add phrase for the Winston Diamond Company is "frost yourself"... Well, mine is, "sugar yourself" or something along those lines.
My ultimate goal with this is to be able to have charity bead bracelets (with customizing as an option). And ones that people see and go "ohhhh, I want one of those!" And be able to set it up in such a way that the percentage of proceeds is a lot more than "$1 of this purchase goes too......." I want to be able to make a difference and do something good for others.
Friday, September 21, 2007
How How?????
How do I add all my fabulous friends' blogs links to mine???? Help I'm totally blog illiterate!
How in the heck do I get my pics in the right order? Do I need to enter it in backwards?

I now have "michelle" hair, which I am loving!!! And this pic was taken about 3 days after the big cut! I was driving everyone crazy with my hair drama so I gave it a few days before asking Branden to take a pic for me.
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