Made weak by time and fate,
but strong in will;
To seek, to strive, to find, and not to yield.

Side Note:
The fork. or Also known as "A Dingle-hopper" Reminds me of one who not only had amazing hair (that I would pretend I had as I swam in our pool as a young girl) but also for me represents a young woman who loved learning about everything and anything. Who pushed past barriers and boundaries to find her place in this world. In this industry education is key and you are always always learning. Everyday! And with that requires perseverance to reach goals. The industry of beauty is all about testing, pushing and surpassing barriers and boundaries. This industry is truly SWEET!!!!

Monday, October 27, 2008


Nothing too exciting has been going on, but here are some pics of a few of our activities and such.

Here is sweet Brock,
(aka: Trouble) with his favorite binky's. Why are they his favorite... they're the only ones he has left. Once these are gone whether lost or visited by the scissor monster (that's our little secret! When we find a binky lying around, we clip a little hole in the top so there is no happy suckling and then put it back where it was momentarily forgotten. When he comes back to it, he finds it's not working. He brings it to us and we say, "Oh no! It's broken. Go throw it in the garbage." And he does. Thus creating a situation where we're not taking it away. He's having to "let go" of the binky himself. NO MORE BINKY!!!! Yes, there is a period of being upset at bedtime but it is short lived. We just remind him that he has to throw it away because it was broken and it's "all gone". This works with kids attached to their bottles too.
Moving On.......
Here is a fun little thing I did a few weeks ago. I blinged this cute onsie I found on clearance at Target (LOVE TARGET) and these hecka cute shoes. You can't really see in the pic, but the stones are placed in the middles of the hearts that cover the top of the shoes.

The same day I did these beauties for myself. I needed some bling flips that would go with my gold toned jewelry. The buttons you see belonged to my Grammy Bates'. She had what we called "the button box" which was a tin that was filled with all sorts of buttons. We loved to dump the whole tin out and sort through all the treasures. When she passed away, I wanted that button box. Unfortunately, so did my aunt, but I did get just a pinch of her sewing stuff, and one of the things among some spools of thread, a few thimbles, needles and a taped together again measuring tape, were these buttons. With them I started my own button box. So between the 3 hours it took me to decide on my stone pattern, I decided I wanted to used my special buttons too.
I ALSO ....................................

Taught 2 of my sister in law's how to make tutu's.
My sister in law's Shauna and Denise and I watched the Relief Society Women's conference together. After, I showed them the baby tutus I had made. Shauna loved them and I told her how I wanted to make one for myself for Halloween. She was way excited about that idea and said, " I wanna be a fairy and have a tutu too! Will you help me?"
Of course I was only too happy to teach her and Denise how to make them.
This really adorable blue, black and shimmer gray is Shauna's fairy tutu.
I'll be sure to get a pic of her all fairyed out on Halloween.

This cute number was made by Denise for her grand daughter McKenna.

And here is the "Bumble Bee" Tutu I made for my niece Izzy busy bumblebee. (That's what we call her)
I also found the cutest wings for her.
I can't wait to post a pic of her all bee'd out for trick or treating.

Here is Miss Izzy herself getting cleaned up after eating one of Brock's birthday cupcakes.

Mr. Brody also enjoying a cupcake. Well, more like enjoying the frosting. This is his second cupcake which I totally encouraged. There were a ton of cupcakes!
He was too cute about it!

Cupcake face and all.

Happy Birthday Brockers!

All the cousins and friends who came to play at the park with Brock. (Left to right: Bryce sitting on his sister- McKenzie's lap, Brock, Izzy sitting on JJ's lap, Avery, and Brody.)
Thanks for coming and playing with us!!!!

Me and my favorite calling.
Here is a pic I took at our last Primary meeting as a presidency.
Left to right: Wendy Echols-1st councilor, Me- Secretary, Lori Call-2nd councilor, and Jenny Stewart- President.
I love these women so much and I'll miss not getting to have our monthly meetings and our lunches together. Poor Wendy and Lori were told the morning of the primary program that they were going to be released! SO THE WRONG TIME!! They cried/teared through the whole program. I guess it was a blessing that I was told early on. If I had been told the same time as the others, there would have been not just tears but full out sobbing, and that would have been uncontrollable! Jenny got to keep her calling, but I told Lori that the 3 of us will just all have to sit together in Relief Society. She liked that idea.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Super Sad Sunday

Today was not a great day. We've been attending Hawes ward, (the ward that we lived in before we had to foreclose on our house.) WE love this ward so much and have been determined to get our family back into ward boundaries ASAP. Today after church the 1st councilor said he needed to meet with us. He released us from our callings. I just started crying. I couldn't help it. He did say we were not being kicked out of the ward. I guess there are big changes happening next week. Desert Wells ward has been asked to meet with us next Sunday. We're thinking it's because the Desert Wells ward is HUGE and ours in the smallest in the stake. So, rearranging of boundaries is what we suspect. And that's why we think we got released. If the boundaries change..... which new ward do we belong to without an address to place us???
I have loved my calling, serving as secretary in the primary and I really love the amazing women I have served with. I love the Hawes ward and all the awesome families. It's been everything Bran and I have ever prayed for in a ward family. I can't imagine it being changed. My calling and ward was kind of my anchor and helped me stay focused despite all the inconsistency that's been going on with work and our home situation. Now I don't know what to do with myself. We will be attending the double ward sacrament meeting next week to get all the info of true situation and then we'll be going from there.

I HATE change. I don't cope well with big unplanned change.
I do know that Heavenly Father is in charge, and relays his needs to Pres. Monson, and those in Salt Lake and on down the line of priesthood holders who make prayerful plans for changes like this.
It doesn't mean it's easy. Not at all.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Totally forgot!

I have been brave and it paid off.
A few weeks ago I saw a poster in our church building for duet and solo auditions for a Christmas concert for the community that Chandler Heights Stake does every year. Those of you who know me best know how much I love love love to SING and this poster peaked my interest.
I asked around and a few people who attended last year said it was AMAZING with about 1,000 people in attendance.
I totally went out on a limb and auditioned.
As I was sitting there listening to others try out, I kept thinking, "why am I hear???" (pregnancy paranoia was kicking in and my heart was racing a mile a minute. It's one thing to be asked to sing, but another to put yourself out there and say "PICK ME!" It is so scary!)
But I told my self, "No, you have to do this even if you aren't what they want. It's good to do."
Well, It was good, and Heavenly Father must love me a lot because I really wanted a part. (A little confirmation that I can sing and my family and ward members aren't lying to me to be nice. (Watching American Idol has put these fears in my head, because apparently, people lie.... A LOT! Although, I'm pretty positive Bran would have told me if I did suck along time ago....................).
Turns out, I so sing alright because...
I totally got a solo/duet part!!!!! Sis Kirsten Millsap (who is so fun! I adore her!!!) told me that the her and the 2 other "judges" loved the tone and pure sound of my voice. They have paired me with another sister, Lori (I don't remember her last name, I will add that later when I get it told to me again).
We'll be singing "Heirlooms" sung originally by Amy Grant. I really love the sound of this song.
We'll be soloing, then be in unison, then harmonizing. I have to have it completely memorized, which is the next scary undertaking. I have to get it engraved in my soul basically. I'm pretty sure I can do this with lots of practice because I did manage to accomplish this with one of my most favorite Christmas songs "Mary's lullaby" which Amy Grant also sings, and Jessica Simpson has a great version also. I've sung this song many time along with the Church video " Luke II". It had to be inspired because the song and the video fit perfectly together. CHILLS ALL OVER!!!
Just a Note: If any of you want me to do it for a special family home evening, a Christmas enrichment night, or whatever, I would love to do it!
I am so excited!!!!!
So I am extending an invitation : PLEASE COME!
What: Chandler Heights Christmas Concert
When: Saturday Nov. 28th or Sunday Nov. 29th.
Time: Soon to come
Where: Queen Creek, Az (exact location soon to come)

Saturday, October 4, 2008

A quick Update

Just a quick update that there's not much going on. Just everyday life stuff that we all do.
James did get his Bobcat award for scouts this last week. He is love'n all the of fun being 8. Branson is singing "Do as I'm doing" with Brock right now and Brock is freaking because the song is over. Branden is at the Priesthood session with his brother and brother in laws and I'm wondering what the heck I want for dinner and contimplating cleaning up my room a bit. You'd think that sharing a room means sharing the job of keeping it clean...... NOT! I get to clean it like it's my own room but I can't decorate it as such (I tend to go too girlie for Branden) AND I have to share the space with a BOY! Which really isn't that bad most of the time. I do have someone there to caress/scratch/rub my back everynight.

A RANDOM NOTE: Bath and body works has a new sent called LEAVES. It smells SO GOOD
So Good!!!.......and fresh and light and clean and totally like Fall, all at the same time. I have it in the wallflower version but I think they carry the candle too.
And, I bought really cute grey maternity jeans at Old Navy for $3 dollars yesterday. Their a bit big but I'm Just going to alter them.
Lots of Love

It worked

Thanks Mandy for adding me!