I have been brave and it paid off.
A few weeks ago I saw a poster in our church building for duet and solo auditions for a Christmas concert for the community that Chandler Heights Stake does every year. Those of you who know me best know how much I love love love to SING and this poster peaked my interest.
I asked around and a few people who attended last year said it was AMAZING with about 1,000 people in attendance.
I totally went out on a limb and auditioned.
As I was sitting there listening to others try out, I kept thinking, "why am I hear???" (pregnancy paranoia was kicking in and my heart was racing a mile a minute. It's one thing to be asked to sing, but another to put yourself out there and say "PICK ME!" It is so scary!)
But I told my self, "No, you have to do this even if you aren't what they want. It's good to do."
Well, It was good, and Heavenly Father must love me a lot because I really wanted a part. (A little confirmation that I can sing and my family and ward members aren't lying to me to be nice. (Watching American Idol has put these fears in my head, because apparently, people lie.... A LOT! Although, I'm pretty positive Bran would have told me if I did suck along time ago....................).
Turns out, I so sing alright because...
I totally got a solo/duet part!!!!! Sis Kirsten Millsap (who is so fun! I adore her!!!) told me that the her and the 2 other "judges" loved the tone and pure sound of my voice. They have paired me with another sister, Lori (I don't remember her last name, I will add that later when I get it told to me again).
We'll be singing "Heirlooms" sung originally by Amy Grant. I really love the sound of this song.
We'll be soloing, then be in unison, then harmonizing. I have to have it completely memorized, which is the next scary undertaking. I have to get it engraved in my soul basically. I'm pretty sure I can do this with lots of practice because I did manage to accomplish this with one of my most favorite Christmas songs "Mary's lullaby" which Amy Grant also sings, and Jessica Simpson has a great version also. I've sung this song many time along with the Church video " Luke II". It had to be inspired because the song and the video fit perfectly together. CHILLS ALL OVER!!!
Just a Note: If any of you want me to do it for a special family home evening, a Christmas enrichment night, or whatever, I would love to do it!
I am so excited!!!!!
So I am extending an invitation : PLEASE COME!
What: Chandler Heights Christmas Concert
When: Saturday Nov. 28th or Sunday Nov. 29th.
Time: Soon to come
Where: Queen Creek, Az (exact location soon to come)