Hey, it's really quiet. I wonder what Brock is up to.......
I know he's just trying to help, but oh my gosh!
Also, while I was in Vegas Bran said that he found Brock in our closet, sitting on the floor with the light off attempting to paint his toes and fingers with my nail polish. He said Brock had it all over his feet and hands, but didn't get hardly any on the floor! He again said "Oww www" as Bran tried to get the polish off his skin with the nail polish remover.
I really wish he had the camera for that one!
Owww! what a little helper you have!
Oh aren't boys so much fun!? Everyone told me that girls are much more calm and will sit and play with dolls for hours, but no such luck! (just incase you were hoping with this girl on the way)
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