I promise no novel this time.
Rules: list 3 joys, 3 fears, 3 goals, 3 current obsessions, and three random facts about yourself. Tag 5 people at the end.
3JOYS: My family (most of the time) Although my children and seriously giving me a
headache right now :P
My Awesome friends
My Ward & calling
3FEARS: Not being able to stay in our Ward. Which I LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!! I do not want to
leave it.
My children getting lost or hurt ( And I don't mean scapping their knee, I mean
seriously, go to the hospital or have some sicko arrested hurt)
No work for Branden= an empty bank account=not being able to stay in our ward
3Goals: Having more Faith
Being more patient with my children
Getting something started with my Sugarjane bracelets
And I'm adding a very important #4 group of paying off credit cards and start our food
storage, and getting money back into our saving account.
3Current Obsessions: Flagstaff, I desperately want to run away to Flagstaff! Although it does
get hecka cold in the winter. Good excuse to buy some cozy Ugg boots
Monsoon storms, I love them!!! Rain makes me happy.
Sleeping, I've been so tired. It's hard work growing a baby.
3Random Facts: I don't think I have 3 random facts. Let's see what I can come up with.
I desperately need a new bed and we have only one sheetfor our bed set since
we've been married. 10 years in December.
I still have my wisdom teeth and their ruining my efforts of braces but getting
those things removed is expensive.
I really want lasik eye surgury, but I am so scared, plus you need moola for
Well, there it is. I tag, Amber, Mom, Kristy, Jenny and Michelle
You did it!!! Fun and insightful answers... you're not alone in your money trials... it's a tough one right now! Faith, faith, faith... now is the time to have it!
It's close to a novel still. But, I'd probably be the same way.- Maybe
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