Cardinals Camp 2008
Flagstaff, Az
WhooHoo FOOTBALL!!!!
(says Branden and the boys)
WhooHooo cool breezes
(says me)
Top pic: Branson and Morey
James and Branson coming down from playing games.

All the kids left to right: James holding Izzy, Branson, Alyssa, Taty holding Brock and Autumn.

Brock driving the truck.

Brock checking out NAU's mascot/gate keeper to the dome.

My nephew Jake with all the kids. He loves'em and they love him as you can see.

All the boys from left to right: James, Branson, Brock, Branden, Jaker and Craig.

James catching the ball.

Branson with Kirt Warner. He also got pics with Linart, Fitzgerald, Coach Wiz, and Morey. They were all so great to Branson especially Morey. Branson was really upset and crying because he felt to shy to ask for signatures on his shirt. Morey saw him and came over to chat with Branson and sign his shirt for him.

Branson pushing through the lineman to catch the ball.

Brock in his "Baby leash" hanging out with Daddy.

All the girls from left to right: Taty, Alyssa, Izzy, Me, Mariesa and Autumn.

Me and Kaycee. She came to visit me. She loves me so much she rode the bus from Vegas to Flagstaff to be able to come be with us for a week. We LOVED having Kaycee!!!!

James and Branson on the 1st day of school. Well, technically it was the 4th day of school but they had missed the 1st 3 due to Cardinals Camp.

JP's 1st pinewood derby car. He chose the design, Branden carved and I painted.

Fames or Waves???? You decide.

The boys at Pinewood Derby. James on the far left.

The flipflops I made for my sis in law Jennifer. Swavarski crystal in 5 &4mm, AB's- 3 mm and a huge 14mm in the center.

A fun pair I made for myself. Pink, AB green and clear 4mm.

Dark grey old navy flipflops with all clear-5-3mm. YES I lOVE BLINGY FLIPFLOPS!!!!

Brocker had fallen asleep with Daddy. I thought his little hand holding up his head was so cute.

Us with James on his big day.
James with Grandma and Grandpa.

James and Branden

Boys in white.

Me and James.

The whole family.... Both sides. Left to Right: Back row: Branden, Devin, Craig, Izzy, Kaycee, Brock, Grandpa, Grandma, Shauna, Clay, Pat, Denise, Paul.
Front Row: Amber, Taty, Alyssa, Autumn, James, Branson, Riley, Kaylee, Ashley, Joe, Katlynn, and Me.
I have no idea why I didn't go stand over by Bran. I was in such a hurry to help everyone get out of there that I gave Bishop Curtis the camera and I bolted into the pic. It was sooooo HOT out in the foyer.

Happy 8th Birthday James!!!!
so cute! and fun!!! We had a great time even though I was a BUTT! love ya
Your blog looks great! I need some help with mine..You always were the creative one in the family.
Give the boys a big hug from me! Love you, Mom
p.s. just count on having another boy, because you always said when you get married and had kids you wanted all boys, enough for a basketball ya, two more to go. Names I like:
Jace Allen Turley
Matthew Allen Turley
Jonathan Kent Turley
Jacob( over used)
Kaden Allen Turley
Mack..( then when he's a big football player they can all him " Big Mack"..or Mack attack)
Looks like a ton of fun, family, football- good to get away from the heat for a minute, eh? And I can't believe that James is 8!!! Crazy- Jocilyn keeps saying, "mom, you only have a year left to teach me everything I need to know!" (only a year before she's baptised...) the pressure is on!
Congrats on the baptism! I bet that was fun to have family in town. I can't believe your boys' big BLUE eyes! They're so beautiful! (your mom's comment is cracking me up! Oh I miss you guys...Mack attack! Okay,I think I'm gonna pee)
Tomorrow's the big day, right? I hope you post something!:) Good luck!!
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