In order of most recent
Here is my stud of a husband dressed up as "Cousin Eddie" from his favorite Christmas movie "Christmas Vacation"
Yes, he even wore the black socks with shorts. :P
My sister in law Shauna throws a Christmas Party every year for her Brothers and sisters with a new theme. This year's was a PJ party. We had awesome omelette's and waffles along with homemade egg nogg! We played 80's video games. The goal was to be the highest scoring to win the prize. The girls played Centipede and the boys, Excite Bike.
PS: props include IBC Root beer and a chocolate cigar from See's candy.

Brock being daddy for the day.

"The time in now......"

Branson learned to tie his shoes this week! Yeah finally!

Beau in action.

The highest suspension bridge. It literally passes over the non water side of Hoover Dam.
Can you see the cars at the bottom of the pic. They help put the height in perspective.
Every time I see it, all I think is, "Holy Crap! that's high!!!"

I went to Amb's baby shower thrown by her friend the beautiful and talented Michelle (on the left) and her super fun and adorable boss Paula (middle).
It was at Paula's AMAZING home and it was a true baby shower hook up! Amb's ended up with a mound of baby gear and the cutest "Advice for the new Mom" scrapbook filled with support and self help ideas, including pics of all of us who gave the advice right next to our pages. All done and put together by the end of the shower.

The cake.

Me, Mom and Ambs

Us and our little girl bellies.
Amb's got her wish. She was insistent that she would have the 1st granddaughter.
Amb's due: January 17th
I'm due:February 1st

Brock totally fell asleep behind Bran while watching him play a computer game. I hear Bran calling me form the room, "Mandi, can you come and help me out?!"
"Help out with what??" was my response.
"OH! Let me get a pic 1st!"
Hahha So funny!

We put up our tree. The earliest we've ever put it up, but only because I talked Bran into a fake one. I was not up to decorating and lighting a real tree this year. Plus let's face it, their so expensive when you don't have the moola. This cute little tree was a great walmart Black Friday deal.

Brock finding the just right spot for his ornament.

I woke him up from a nap to get the boys from school. Told him he gets a sucker for being a good boy for taking a nap and next thing I knew, he was napping again, sucker and all.

And have you heard, he LOVES Bananas!!!! On this particular day he snuck into the kitchen several times and managed to eat 4 of them. This is him, on his 4th.

You want some?