"what can I use to fight loosing my hair/thinning?"
"I'm so oily, what shampoo should I use?"
My favorite takes care of both these.
I struggle with both of these problems due to hormone imbalance. Isn't aging fun?!
This is great for teen and adults alike. And a note for those of us like myself when the oily problem is not just about the hair but effects our skin too.... you can totally use it as a face wash to help control and balance your skin! I'm serious! Now, this is just a tip from little ol' me whose used it this way and has heard of others using it and liking the results they get. It will not give you facial hair! I promise. LOL. But it's minty freshness with make your hair feel and look amazing and can help do the same for you skin. I used it at the peak of my skin oily melt down every day for a week or so. Then when it started to balance out and clear up, I used it one time a week or less. Also, I heard from another user of Nioxin that her and her hubs love the nioxin supplement that they offer and it's made a difference in their hair too. NICE!!!
Another tip for oily hair and growth is investing in a natural boar bristle brush. Brush thoroughly through the hair before shower or bed to move the oils from scalp to ends. The result will be shine!
This also creates scalp stimulation which will aid in encouraging growth for those of us who are trying to grow our hair out to be long and amazing.
So Tess and I have now made a pact to grow our hair out like Rapunzel together. What's in my shower to help me along. Nioxin!
ps: I do not work or am affiliated with Nioxin, I just love it!
And my last tip for oily hair if Nioxin is a bit out of the price range for ya.... a shampoo bottle half full of shampoo and a 1/2 cup of baking soda. Not only will it totally help with teen oilyness but it will help your shampoo last longer, therefor saving you moola! I hope you have a No more oily, better hair with brushing and moola saving new hair.. I mean year! Here's my past Rapunzel hair: Not amazing at all but just thinking of all the knowledge I've gained about hair over the last 2 years makes me want length in a bad way!!! Oh the things I could do!!!!! And how much better I can do it now!!!!

Love, shine, strength and growth,
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