Made weak by time and fate,
but strong in will;
To seek, to strive, to find, and not to yield.

Side Note:
The fork. or Also known as "A Dingle-hopper" Reminds me of one who not only had amazing hair (that I would pretend I had as I swam in our pool as a young girl) but also for me represents a young woman who loved learning about everything and anything. Who pushed past barriers and boundaries to find her place in this world. In this industry education is key and you are always always learning. Everyday! And with that requires perseverance to reach goals. The industry of beauty is all about testing, pushing and surpassing barriers and boundaries. This industry is truly SWEET!!!!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Warrior Princess!!!

I did it! I finished the Hinckley Challange. I am now a Warrior!, says the printable certificate that pops up when you hit the "Done" link.
I was way behind too there for a bit. Almost a 100 pages. But I did it and I feel....... Good.
I have issues with goals and this is the second time I've taken a "Read the book of Mormon all the way through" challange and I loved it this time around. I totally understood it more. I got how people were connected and I was able to keep up with who was writting and exactly what and who they were writting about.
And do you know what?
I've discovered that I really love reading my scriptures!
When I don't read, I miss them. So, now that the challange is over, I'm going to strive to get a little bit of time in every day to read.
Who's up for reading the Bible all the way through?!! :P


The Gibbens said...

Good for you!!! That is a great accomplishment and you really got more out of it than just accomplishing the goal- You hit on the very purpose- to gain a love and understanding of the scriptures and the desire to feast upon them daily- really... good job!

Michelle said...

Congrats!! I finally finished was nice to be able to do this "with" you since we never get to do things together:)

Jenny Johnson said...

Hey Amanda, this is your cousin Jenny!! Amber blog stalked and found me, so I blog stalked and found you??!! Your boys are too cute for words!! It's great to see you! How are you?