Made weak by time and fate,
but strong in will;
To seek, to strive, to find, and not to yield.

Side Note:
The fork. or Also known as "A Dingle-hopper" Reminds me of one who not only had amazing hair (that I would pretend I had as I swam in our pool as a young girl) but also for me represents a young woman who loved learning about everything and anything. Who pushed past barriers and boundaries to find her place in this world. In this industry education is key and you are always always learning. Everyday! And with that requires perseverance to reach goals. The industry of beauty is all about testing, pushing and surpassing barriers and boundaries. This industry is truly SWEET!!!!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Update of Tessa

Hanging out while Daddy's game'n.
Playing in the rain. She really wanted to eat the rocks.
Playing in her bed.
Style'n her Mohawk.
Trying to feed herself.


Amb & Dev said...

LOVE Tessa splashing in the tub, totally slippin all over the place. Brock is talking so good. wow! Miss you guys!

Amb & Dev said...

LOVE Tessa splashing in the tub, totally slippin all over the place. Brock is talking so good. wow! Miss you guys!

It's all Good- The Allen Fam said...

She's gonna be a swimmer!! So cute..she looks so much like you Mandy in those pics...

It's all Good- The Allen Fam said...

She's gonna be a swimmer!! So cute..she looks so much like you Mandy in those pics...